2385 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G14 0NT

riverbank DENTAL

 0141 952 9502

Basic steps for Child Dental Health

Brush your child's teeth twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste. Any brand is fine, but it should have  at least 1000ppm fluoride (the fluoride content is usually on the back of the packet). Use a smear of toothpaste for the under 3s and a pea-sized amount for those aged 3 and over.

Brush your child's teeth for them until they are at least 7 - children aren't able to do it well enough before the age of 7, and sometimes beyond.

Visit your dental practice for regular check-ups and further oral health advice.

More info can be found at the childsmile website.


Prolonged thumb-sucking can alter the shape of the jaw and affect the way adult teeth grow.   This is also true of dummies, but as you can throw out or give away dummies, thumbsucking is often harder to stop.

Several of our families have reported success in helping their child to stop thumbsucking using thumbsies, available at online here.

Before and after application of fissure sealants

Fissure sealants

These are commonly applied to the first and second permanent molar teeth to help protect against decay.  Read our practice leaflet on fissure sealants or ask one of the team for further information.

Childsmile Programme

Your child's smile is gorgeous, and we want to help you keep it that way!

The Childsmile Programme involves one-to-one sessions for you and you child(ren) with our qualified Childsmile Nurse Claire Kelly.  Claire will spend time familiarising your child with the surroundings of a dental practice and demonstrating toothburshing techniques.  She will also give dietry advice to help you identify tooth friendlier options.